Grupo Desarrolla brings you the keys to the Huerta de Europa, Almería
Grupo Desarrolla, the consultancy specialized in business strategy, has carried out the study “Identification, Characterization and Analysis of 20 Success Stories in the Labor Market of the Sector
Agricultural of the province of Almería “in collaboration with Cajamar and financed by EOI (School of Industrial Organization) through the European social funds.
The study reveals the keys to the success of 20 agricultural companies in Almeria known as the Huerta de Europa. The entities were chosen based on their trajectory to reflect which profile characterizes them, which is their business model, their type of organization, their role in innovation, their corporate culture and their value network.
To enter the organizations, Grupo Desarrolla interviewed executives and founders of entities such as Agricola Vasan, Agro la Redonda, Godoy Vegetables, Nijarfresh, Naturchac, Luis Andujar, Biosabor, Hortasol, among others.
As a result, the study includes three major blocks of conclusions: the first, both sectoral and cases analyzed in order to learn determining factors for the optimization of agricultural production; the second focuses on being able to know the new trends in the employment of Almería and the third in the new derived training needs.